Is Neurofeedback safe?
Neurofeedback is safe for everyone. Nothing is added or taken away from the brain! This technology uses timed musical micro interruptions in music. Why music? Our brains perceive and use auditory frequencies the most to gather information.
Are there side effects?
It is very unlikely you experience any side effects after a session. Some shifts in mood or energy levels can vary depending on the individual. For example, someone who is usually anxious, may feel calm after a few sessions which may be abnormal for them.
Why NeurOptimal?
Neuroptimal is the latest generation and only Dynamical Neurofeedback™ system on the market. It works by providing precisely timed feedback determined by the 265 data points collected through the EEG sensors every second!
Is Neuroptimal FDA approved?
Neuroptimal is designated by the FDA and General Wellness product based on the safety and intended uses. Yes, it is approved!
Do I need a Brain Map to start?
No. A brain map or diagnosis is not needed to start neurofeedback training. The mapping is already integrated into the software. Neuroptimal is a dynamic system, working on a global scale of the brain, not just one targeted change.
How is our system different?
Neuroptimal is different because it uses the latest generation of neurofeedback that changes in computer processing speed and is deigned to utilize how the brain naturally processes things. It gives feedback information at about 256 times per second giving our brains support to reorganize.
Neurofeedback for kids?
Training is safe for any age, even young children! Common uses can be for post concussions, rebuilding health, and sleep training.